**The following is intended for readers over 18**
Like many people, I was a somewhat regular watcher of Real Sex. When I didn’t have HBO at home, I looked forward to those Thursday nights while at conferences in hotels where HBO was offered to guests. The next day, it was interesting to talk with coworkers who sometimes attended the same conference to find out that we all had been watching the night before. When you work in sexual health and sexual communication, it’s all part of the job.
Sometimes hot, sometimes really strange, sometimes featuring people I really had no interest in getting to know while featuring others who were quaintly sweet while performing oral sex and masturbating, Real Sex was usually at the least entertaining and sometimes illuminating. Clearly, all were from California since we didn’t have those folks doing those things here in Texas. Of course not.
Now HBO is coming out with a new sexually-oriented show, Sex/Now—something of a Real Sex reboot intended for an audience in the 2010s, a time when sexually oriented material is all over the Internet. It will be interesting to find out the story that accompanies sex in this new program, with the pilot of a possible series previewing January 2 at 11:00pm Eastern Time. I’ll be checking it out. How about you?
UPDATE: After a busy fall, with holidays and new writing projects, I’m back to a regular schedule, every 7-10 days, of posting to the blog. In the next couple of weeks, look for information on how you can download an erotic short story, the story I wrote for the winner of the personalized erotic short story contest and which I am posting with her permission. And this spring, stay tuned for the sequel to Song of the Balalaika, Balalaika in Paris.