I refer to the Pink Lady classic cocktail as a “heritage” drink, a drink dating back to before prohibition. A combination of gin (1.5 ounces) and egg white and grenadine, one summer I craved them and drank them every night for a week until I never wanted to see another one again. It’s been a year since I brought out the new cocktail shaker, filled it with ice and gin, an egg white, 1 t of grenadine (Rose’s) and 1 t of half and half, shook the shaker and strained into a glass. Those are rose petals for contrast, although they might have worked better floating on the top. Not bad, but I’ll be looking for the newer grenadine (currant and pomegranate) syrup for the next one I make.
I will not be serving Pink Ladies at the “virtual book launch party” I’m planning for July 16. Instead, I’m opting for a limoncello and presecco cocktail as one option, but not a beet-based cocktail in honor of half-Russian / half-French Peter Kirov, the book’s main male character. Unless someone shares an interesting recipe that doesn’t taste like I think it might.