Afternoons in the Topless Bar

Stripper-on-PolePerhaps if you’re reading this you’ve been in a strip bar and haven’t thought it was any big deal, but for me, stepping through that door and approaching the (usually female) greeter/hostess was more than a little intimidating. We often go in the late afternoon, so the number of patrons is usually much lower than after normal work hours. That helped to reduce my anxiety over a place that is both taboo and intriguing.

No matter whether high-end or not-so-high-end club, we first make contact and establish a relationship with the house mother, a woman who helps the dancers with anything from a little make-up, feminine hygiene products, or a shoulder to cry on. Many club dressing rooms are crammed with all the things a house mother needs to do her job, which includes making sure the dancers go on stage at the appropriate time and gets them scheduled for the upcoming week.

I have always been impressed by the talents of most of the women in strip bars. There’s a certain athleticism that they have to have. I learned that early on when I passed the stage on the way out the door just in time to see a dancer punctuating her number by standing on her head.

Watch for more about what happened during some of these forays into the bars.

Stripper on Pole image by Momoko (,  Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, via Wikimedia Commons